if (open(MYFILE, "file1")) {
$line =
while ($line ne "") {
print ($line);
$line =
Script to write in a file
open (MYPIPE, "cat >hello");
print MYPIPE ("Hi, Dave! Your Perl program sent this!\n");
close (MYPIPE);
Script to search specific word from the file.
print ("Word to search for $ARGV[0]\n");
$filecount = 1;
$totalwordcount = 0;
while ($filecount <= @ARGV-1)
unless (open (INFILE, $ARGV[$filecount]))
die ("Can't open input file $ARGV[$filecount]\n");
$wordcount = 0;
while ($line =
chop ($line);
print ("Before split : $line\n");
@words = split(/ /, $line);
print ("Content is : @words\n");
$w = 1;
while ($w <= @words)
if ($words[$w-1] eq $ARGV[0])
$wordcount += 1;
print ("occurrences in file $ARGV[$filecount] ");
print ("$wordcount\n");
$totalwordcount += $wordcount;
print ("total number of occurrences $totalwordcount\n");